About us


In Ancient Times,

Minotaurs have been one of the most intelligent and feared creatures in ancient Greek Mythology! Minotaurs were always ready for battle, never one to back down. In the times of war, they would lead the charge from the front, and a loss in battle was seldom the outcome.

Minotaur is the brainchild of two unique individuals; Lieutenant General Wiseone666 and Admiral BigManSingh! Together, they lead the Minotaur Battalion! Old brothers in battle for over 25 years, they came together to lead the charge onto new beginnings and new worlds.

Admiral BigManSingh, the elder brother is a master Strategist! He comes with decades of experience in Finance, Strategy, Sales and Tactical Planning on the battlefield. The Admiral has a vision that only some can fathom. He knows how to rule with an iron fist and commands the respect of his entire clan. A born leader, Admiral BigManSingh is always ready to charge forward, no matter what lies ahead!

Lieutenant General WiseOne666, is the audacious one! He comes with decades of experience in Brand , Marketing, Activation, Sales and so much more. Lt Gen. is a Media, Gaming and Sports Marketing Specialist and knows how to get creative on the battlefield. P.S. He’s always got something up his sleeve.

Together, the duo are the core of Minotaur!
